Thursday, April 26, 2007

Brasília e CEEDer na SSGN

Hey AIESEC!!!!!!!!!

Aqui é a galera de ER postando! Uhul!
Notícias da semana: Post na comunidade da SSGN

"SSGN! AxLDS was an amazing conference for sure. See what the delegates are saying about this experience!!"It was such a great experience to see how all SSGN countries were working together on regional initiatives and made their commitments. Moreover, they have kept these commitments after the conference. This shows that the conference meant to them something.Moreover, as a regional coordinator for Artemisia partnership, it is really good feeling to know that our partner was fully satisfied and wants to be more and more involved with AIESEC!!!Thank you SSGN for such an amazing experience!And thank you Mexico and Conference OC for such an hospitality!"

Piret Potisepp - SSGN Board

"Powerful and lovely! i´m just so inspired after this conference!"

Roberta Tomaz - Business coordinator AIESEC in Brasilia - Brazil

"Different people, different cultures, same passion"

Maria Teresa - VP Projects and X AIESEC in Curitiba - Brazil

"Representing my country in AXLDS was the most amazing experience ever and to see people from all over the continent with the same passion was just inspiring."

Camila Sallaberry - VPER AIESEC in Brasilia - Brazil

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Want to go to the greatest and coolest Brazilian Conference???

CONADE 2007 (Conferencia Nacional de Desenvolvimento) is the Brazilian biggest AIESEC conference, where people learn a lot of things, improve their network, party and enjoy a lot!!!

What are you waiting for? Enter the website ( and get all the information you need!
by Lucas Abreu

Monday, April 16, 2007

Katinha NEWS!!!

Hi Everyone!

So, here am I, in Paris, already accomodated in my own place and with a room mate, already working at my internship and already missing my friends and family (that's good for learning how important they are).
I've been very very lucky since I got here, for most of the things worked out perfectly and I'm managing to solve all problems without too many shortcomings. In Paris it's usually very difficult to find accomodation, but I found it even before getting here, with the help of a Canadian and Japanese girl who will be part of the next MC term here in france. Here they have this google group of trainees in Paris, and it was through it that I met my current room mate, Maria, a very nice mexican girl. Actually, I got to really meet her on the same day I saw our apartment, hehehehe... But luckly we're getting along very well, she uses to say that she has "adopted" me, and she really cares a lot about me, thank God. :) I usually say we take care of each other, hehe. Our apartment is really nice, it has 2 bedrooms, a small kitchen and a living room. That amount of space is really rare here in Paris, usually people pay the same amount we're paying (each) for living in a 10 square-meters bedroom with a stove on the corner, a shower and a toilet outside for sharing with other people, besides paying for their internet access or gas and eletricity. We were very lucky to find this palce, which is in a nice neighborhood, very close to a metro station and, by the way, our landlord also works at Alcatel-lucent, the company where I'm taking my internship. :)

Well, my work place is also amazing, I work in the headquarters, so everything is beautiful here. There are looooooots of trainees, we have lunch together every day. I've been here for 2 weeks so far, but I still didn't really get in touch with everything I'm actually supposed to do because my boss had to travel. :P But that's okay, I'm learning other things with people here.

[Katinha Dans Champs Elysee]

On the weekends I'm trying to visit the several touristic atractions in Paris, there are soooo many things to do here, it'll take me some time to visit everything. Last weekend it was very sunny and I went out for a picnic in a nice park close to a Castle, it was really nice. In the previous weekend I went to Champs-elysees, La Tour Eiffel and the Opera, it was really nice. About french people: they're reeeeaaally bad drivers! And they don't stinck that much, hehehe.

Grands bisous!
Au revoir!

Katinha. ;o)

Saturday, April 14, 2007


"The clusters consist in a framework that contains two perspectives: health and performance. In this graph, we can see the situation of our network and create customized LC Development strategies for each cluster of LCs. The overall objective is getting LCs in the green area enabling asustainable growth! The analysis was done based on the information provided by the LCs at SONA. The criteria used to analyse health and performance is in the following pages."

Coelho, Barbara & Mauricio

MC Hikers

Last quarter, @BS was in the red area, but this year we worked hard to get better, and that's the result:

What does it means?

That AIESEC BRASILIA reached the ideal state! The first LC to reach it!

Great job, Super Team!

Let's maintain the LC there, ok?!!!!

by Lucas Abreu

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Where's Wally???

AXLDS 2007 delegates

Where's Camila?
Where's Beta?
Where's Aline?
Where's Irina (MC)?

by Lucas Abreu

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Virtual Tour of the AI Office

If you ever wanted to know how is the AIESEC International Office!

To know more about it:

by Lucas Abreu

Monday, April 02, 2007

Wendeline message to Brazil

And now, a message to you from Netherlands!

"Valeu a pena? Tudo vale a pena
Se a alma não é pequena.
Quem quere passar além do Bojador
Tem que passar além da dor.
Deus ao mar o perigo e o abismo deu,
Mas nele é que espelhou o céu."
Mar Português, Fernando Pessoa

New MC of AIESEC Brazil

If you didn't know the new MC of AIESEC Brazil, there it go!

MC Team 07-08!!!
Mauricio Schneider!

In the Business Corner
MCVP Marketing and Alumni...
Barbara Teles!

In the Business Corner
Marco Tulio!

In the LC Development Corner
MCVP LC Development...
Conrado Kaczynski!

In the LC Development Corner
MCVP Exchange and projects...
Wendeline Van Der Feltz

In the LC Development Corner
MCVP Talent Management...
Mariane Cortat


by Lucas Abreu

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Around the world

Have you ever thought that someone like you may be doing the same thing you're doing now?
May be thinking the same thing you're thinking now...
May be having the same dreams you're having now...

Have you ever thought that you may find these people?

You're in an international organization that connects people, why not communicate?
Here it go a great opportunity to know others realities, others AIESEC's realities and other people!

Enjoy the 'virtual CEED'!

Blogs around the world:

MC Brasil

MC Czech Republic

MC Switzerland

MC Austria

MC Colombia

MC Cono Sur (Argentina, Chile & Uruguay)

MC Mexico

MC Finland

MC Guatemala

MC Indonesia

MC Ireland

MC Malta

MC Pakistan

MC Italia

MC Egypt

MC New Zealand

MC Canada

LC USP, Sao Paulo, Brazil

LC ANU, Canberra, Australia

LC Bern, Switzerland

LC Dubai, United Arab Emirates

LC Lausanne, Switzerland

LC NUS, Singapore, Singapore

LC St. Gallen, Switzerland

LC Waikato, New Zealand

LC Zurich, Switzerland

LC NTU, Boon Lay, Singapore

LC Lugano, Switzerland

LC Curtin, Australia

LC Colorado, USA

LC Edmonton, Canada

LC Kansas, USA

LC Kosice, Slovakia (Andrej's country!)

LC Karachi, Pakistan

LC Lahore, Pakistan

LC Calgary, Canada

LC Carleton, Canada

LC Melbourne, Australia

LC Toronto, Canada

LC UniNorte, Colombia (You've been there, Beta?)

LC UBC, Canada

LC Victoria, Canada (Very nice video!!!)

Trainees in Canada

by Lucas Abreu